Laser hair removal treatments to get rid of unwanted hair at Euro Charm Skincare and Body Clinic are affordable, safe, effective and comfortable for all skin types. We'll help you effectively reduce unwanted hair with less pain and fewer treatments. Named one of Vancouver’s best laser hair removal clinics, our certified technicians remove hazardous follicles with CUTERA excel® HR and xeo® systems. more
- Back of the neck
- Buttocks
- Forearms
- Front of the neck
- Full face
- Inner thigh
- Lower back
- Lower legs
- Shoulders
- Upper arms
Laser Hair Removal - MEDIUM Area Treatment
Early Bird treatment from 10:00 AM till 1:00PM
Once purchased, your treatment packages will be added to your client file at Euro Charm Skincare & Body Clinic to be booked and used at a later date, when you please.Please call us to book your appointment.